Before downloading Shotlapse, it is recommended that you download BULLETPROOF and run it on your Windows computer one time to protect Shotlapse from being easily bypassed. BULLETPROOF software allows you to set yourself up as an administrator over the Windows computer that you are monitoring, which enables you to turn off the ability for other users to access Windows Boot Manager. That means they can't install a seperate Operating System altogether while you are unaware. Also, having admin authority allows you to hide software folders that contain Shotlapse's pictures and videos so they can't be erased to "hide the evidence", another bypass hack. All of these settings are automatically configured for you when you run the BULLETPROOF software, so the only thing to do is download it on the computer you want to monitor right before you download Shotlapse, and you are all set.
  1. INSTALL - Download and run BULLETPROOF while on the computer that you want to monitor. It has an installation wizard that will guide you through the installation process.
  2. SET UP - BULLETPROOF will set you up as the administrator over that computer and will configure the settings so you don't have to do it manually. At this point you can go back and install Shotlapse.
  3. PROTECT - Protective configurations will automatically be set up to ensure Shotlapse won't be bypassed easily. Repeat this (if desired) for every computer you want to monitor. You only need to run BULLETPROOF once and delete it once finished.
Windows ONLY! Download




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