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Register for ShotLapse

Please fill in this form to create an admin account.

By creating an account you agree to our Terms & Conditions.



Shotlapse simply takes screenshots of their usage and then sends you a timelapse video of it all at the end of the day. No more endless lists of domains to check up on or fancy analystics that can mislead. You simply watch a concise overview of what they are actually seeing. Simple.


Register for ShotLapse

Please fill in this form to create an admin account.

By creating an account you agree to our Terms & Privacy.


Screenshots are taken at regular intervals in order to capture a high level overview of what the computer was being used for.


All screenshots are compiled into a timelapse video so they can be quickly and easily viewed for accountability.


The timelapse videos get uploaded to the dashboard where you can view all of the computers you are monitoring.


Simply register an account then install shotlapse onto the machines you want to monitor. Shotlapse does the rest, sending you timelapse videos that display daily usage. 

The surest way to monitor computer usage, period.

With ShotLapse, monitoring computer and device usage has never been more effective. From parents that want to monitor their children, to porn addiction counsellors helping people finding a better path, our monitor is trusted for maximum accountability, with minimal time investment.  

Install Anywhere

From desktops to laptops to tablets to mobile devices, Shotlapse can be installed almost anywhere and be used to monitor usage.

Simple to Use

Just register and get started. Installation is easy and setting up configuration is fast and user friendly. No more hassle from tediously clunky systems. 


Fast Monitoring

It only takes a minute or two to watch an entire evening's worth of usage screenshots because they are saved into a timelapse video for easy viewing.

Thorough and Secure

View all computer and device activity, whether online or not. Get notifications if tampered with or disabled. There's no side-stepping ShotLapse.



Email: support@shotlapse.com

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